People don't often think about how important the photographer-client relationship is until they are at a shoot. Meeting up with a stranger can be intimidating, especially when they are capturing vulnerable moments between you and your loved ones. Being comfortable enough to be able to communicate with your photographer what you want out of a session is so important for leaving the session happy and satisfied with your photos. What other way to start a trusting relationship than through an introduction?

Although I have made a few introduction posts on Instagram, I figured it would go a long way to tell you all a little more about myself and my photography journey. So here we go!

Growing up I was always outdoors. My parents made it a point to get us out in nature often. Whether that was through camping, hiking, fishing, or just exploring. I like to think I have a special eye for the beauty of nature and I love to share that with others. Photography was a natural way to do that. My mom had a camera and would often take candid photos of us on our adventures. I started borrowing it when we were out and taking photos of all the beauty of nature around us, hoping to capture the feeling of being in the mountains through my camera lens. I still remember the first photo I took that I was really proud of. It was of a dewdrop-covered leaf and although in the grand world of photography, I'm sure it was nothing special, to me it was the first time I felt I was really able to capture what I was feeling while cutting firewood in the fall right after a rainstorm.

It wasn't long after that, that my parents bought me my first camera. I took that thing everywhere. I had always loved taking photos on my phone but, especially back then, my camera quality was so much better I had to have my camera with me every moment in case something showed up that I wanted to capture. I took a few classes in school that taught me Photoshop and Lightroom and a whole new world of editing opened up to me. Previously I had thought whatever came out of your camera was what you were left with. Even still I'm always learning more editing tricks and refining my style and I find it so fascinating and fun.

I started taking photos of people and at first, I really struggled with it. I had a really hard time posing people and struggled with making the vision I had in my head come to life. I so appreciate my friends and family that let me practice on them. Especially my sweet husband, just a friend at the time, because he hates being in front of the camera. Through all of that practice, I have gained some much-needed confidence. I recently took my family's photos and I thought it was so funny when my little sister told me afterward that she could see me go into "work mode". I'm typically a very introverted person, except around those I'm close with, but when I step behind the camera I swear you would never know that.

When I shifted from taking photos of nature to taking photos of people I knew I needed to keep it in my work. Which is why I am strictly a natural light, outdoor photographer. I've done a few shoots in studios but I've never loved a plain white background as much as I love towering mountains or ocean cliffs. Don't get me wrong, I think people can do beautiful work in studios, it just isn't for me. Being an outdoor photographer was always easy in Utah because of the stunning scenery, but even easier when I moved to California as there is no snow to deal with. Snow is gorgeous in photos but I hate the cold.

California is where I decided to take the leap and start my business. Up until that point I had just been doing it as a hobby and was really overwhelmed at the thought of "doing it for real". But once I got the courage my business took off and I was so thankful I took the leap. I was doing a few photoshoots a week and I gained a ton of experience. Up until that point I had only really done Portraits and Couples, but once I started my business I got into Maternity and Families. Although taking photos of Couples is still my favorite Maternity Photos are a close second. I love capturing moms to be especially since I recently had my own little one!

Now that we are back in Utah I am so excited to continue growing my business here! The landscapes in Utah are unmatched and full of variety and it's so much fun taking photos at locations I grew up visiting. I can't wait to build my client base here and capture all of your special moments!